Rich Meet Beautiful

What is a sugar daddy

RichMeetBeautiful; the dating site to find a sugarbaby or sugar daddy. For all successful men who just can’t find the perfect woman, there is now a new option. You can be so driven, earn a lot of money and passionately pursue your ambitions; if you do not have a beautiful woman on your arm there is little to show off. This is the dating site where the rich meet the nicest women. At least, that’s the goal of the dating site.

What is a sugar baby?

Rich Meet BeautifulA sugar baby is a young and also attractive woman who wants more than a young man who is still discovering life. The sugar baby wants a man with experience who can provide her with the lifestyle she so desires. She is looking for a man who can support her not only emotionally but also financially. You have worked hard all your life but meanwhile your sex and love life have been ignored for years. You have everything going for you but still something is missing in your life. While you don’t realize it, you are the perfect sugar daddy; someone who can spoil a woman in different ways. This is the time to embrace life and meet the young women who are looking for someone stable in life. No games but the conversations about what you like and desire. Relive the passion and feel years younger by hooking up with a sugar baby.
You’ve worked hard all your life but in the meantime your sex and love life have been ignored for years. You have everything going for you but still something is missing in your life. While you don’t realize it, you are the perfect sugar daddy; someone who can spoil a woman in different ways. This is the time to embrace life and meet the young women who are looking for someone stable in life. No games but the conversations about what you like and desire. Relive the passion and feel years younger by hooking up with a sugar baby.

How does RichMeetsBeautiful work?

Signing up on the dating site is free and easy; you indicate whether you are a man or woman, a sugar baby or sugar daddy and whether you are interested in men or women. Then all you have to do is fill in your email address to create your account with RmB. You can also choose to log in with your Facebook account. Rest assured, nothing will be posted on your timeline and no one on Facbook will find out.

Anonymous dating

Rich Meet BeautifulAnonymousblurOnce you’ve signed up, you can come up with a username that is not traceable to your real name. This is to ensure that everyone can use the dating site anonymously. All personal data in the username is rejected in order to guarantee 100% anonymity. Although you would like to know what someone looks like, it is not mandatory to post a profile picture. The business men with good jobs and high-level leadership positions are not waiting to be recognized. If you do add a photo, which is recommended if you want more reactions, you can also take a photo in which you are not recognizable. With the AnonymousBlur function you can make your face blurry on the photo but you can also upload your photos as private and only show them to the members who ask for them.

Of course there is also space to fill in your profile. With the profile text you can indicate what you are looking for so other members can see if they meet this description. By filling in this text you avoid unnecessary contacts that waste your time. Once you have done this you are ready to meet the sugar babies or sugar daddies. The quick search function allows you to search broadly but you can also search more specifically by various characteristics such as age, province, city and distance. The search can also be done on personal characteristics such as height, weight, appearance, body type, interests and personality.

Who is it for?

The dating site is for anyone who sees themselves as a sugardaddy or sugarbaby or fits the bill. As a sugar daddy, you do not have to be single to become a member. It honestly doesn’t matter what your relationship status is. Married men are just as welcome as single men. As a sugar daddy, you can learn from the man, be pampered but also have fun company while you are introduced to the luxurious life.

Paid membership

Signing up with RichMeetBeautiful is free. You then have a free membership that allows you to create your profile, look around among the available members, do searches and send winks to the members you like. However, you cannot send messages to the other member with the free membership. To be able to do this, a Premium membership is required.


Members who sign up with the dating site are first checked. This is done through a manual check where various social media accounts are scrutinized such as LinkedIn, Google+ and Facebook. In this way, the dating site keeps out people who just want to “look around” without a real purpose. After all, that’s not the purpose. The dating site is only for the sugar daddy who is looking for a sugar baby and visa versa.

About RichMeetsBeautiful

RichMeetsBeautiful is a relatively young dating site that wants to conquer the world within a short period of time. With a dominant leader by the name of Sigurd Vedal, a media mogul and CEO of dating sites such as Victoria Milan and NextLove, the new dating site is trying to quickly gain a foothold on Dutch soil. RichMeetBeautiful is very young; the dating site was founded in August 2017. Initially only in the Scandinavian countries of Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland but now also in the Netherlands.

With a fierce marketing campaign that multinationals can suck a tip from, the new dating site is quickly on its way to becoming extremely successful. The first goal of RichMeetBeautiful is to grow quickly in the Netherlands. It is expected that by the end of 2018 more than 100,000 Dutch users will have found their way to the sugar daddy dating site. Not only men, but also women to the dating site is the goal so that there is an equal distribution between both sexes.